Operations Coordinator
Sergio first came to Civicorps as a Corpsmember in 1993 and then returned to Civicorps as staff in 2000 to work as a Job Training Supervisor. Currently, he serves the organization as Operations Coordinator for the Job Training Center. Prior to Civicorps, Sergio was an arborist, horticulturalist, raft guide, back country crew leader for the SCA, and a DJ; to name a few. Sergio graduated from Civicorps and is still pursuing higher education. When he is not at Civicorps, Sergio is also an instructor for The American Red Cross and in his spare time, he enjoys camping, cycling, running, hiking, backpacking, sea-kayaking, skiing, cooking, djing, gardening, traveling, music history, attending live musical performances, and tree climbing.
“Something I learned while at Civicorps is: patience.”