Corpsmember of the Year
Congrats to Harris Cox for being named one of the five national Corpsmembers of the Year!
Harris’ story is truly an inspiration.
At age six, through an act of deliberate violence, Harris suffered severe burns throughout his body and spent six years in a coma. When he awoke from the coma, he had no family or home stability so he struggled in school, dropped out, and ended up in jail.
Then, Harris found Civicorps.
“Not only did I find my family at Civicorps, but I also found my calling in life. Each class begins with a mindfulness lesson to help us learn how to deal with the emotional effects of trauma and to keep ourselves focused. I excelled at this training because I soon discovered that I had intuitively been practicing mindfulness to heal my body and soul after I awoke from the coma. “
After graduating, Civicorps helped Harris obtain an internship that could fuel his passion for mindfulness. This internship led to a paid position at an Oakland elementary school teaching mindfulness to students. Through Harris’ work, he is teaching young kids skills to overcome trauma and to remain focused even when they are in crisis.
We are thrilled to see Harris’ incredibly journey be honored through this national award!
Check out the Huffington Post article about the award.
Civicorps is proud to have had so many of our students honored through this highly-competitive national award. Check our list of past winners!
2009 – Tatiana Moore
2010 – Shanice Long
2013 – Brandon Penny
2014 – Candace Washington
2015 – Harris Cox