Qur’An, Jazmyn and Naudika
Civicorps staff and Corpsmembers gathered this week at the Together Bay Area Spring Conference in San Francisco. We posed and pondered the question: how do we meet the region’s time-sensitive climate needs while also investing in long-term solutions?
Here at Civicorps, we know the future depends on the success of our youth. We were honored not only to sponsor this event, but to provide three panelists for the closing plenary session “Stories of Transformation.” Corpsmembers Jazmyn Patterson, Qur’An Smith and Naudika Williams spoke movingly about their conservation impact.
“When I think of climate change, I understand it is not a situation that can be fixed in a lifetime. But while I am alive and able-bodied, and while I can still go outside in safe conditions, I can lend my hands to the land and make a difference…And I look to my crew, and to my Corps, and to everyone who came here today, and I know I am not alone in this feeling. With many hands, we make light work.”
With these and other words, our young adults had the conference in awe, in laughter and in thrall. Thank you to Jazmyn, Qur’An and Naudika for their time, energy and stories. We are proud to call them our Corpsmembers.